Showing posts with label MK Ultra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MK Ultra. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2012

MK Ultra

What they are saying

No one knows anything about where this guy came from, except that he wears a Chinese monkey mask and delivers all kinds of beat downs to thugs, bullies and drunken yobbos. The blurry youtube videos, captured on shaky phone cameras called him first Monkey King, then shortened to MK, and eventually this mutated into MK Ultra.

As the videos went viral a whole slew of imitators appeared. There is a guy in a pig mask, a fish mask and a whole rabble of demon-masked wannabes posting their challenges to MK Ultra online. Over time these videos have become more and more over the top, but the one where MK Ultra seems to be skating on a pink cloud – now that one has to have been faked...